
A public inquiry into The Infected Blood Scandal, known as the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS, will publish its final report on Monday 20 May.

It’s estimated that over 30,000 people were infected by contaminated blood or blood products in the 1970s and 80s, with over 3,000 people dying as a result. A final compensation deal has not been offered to victims. It is only those living with HIV or Hepatitis C or their widows who have received a penny to date in interim payments. 

Here's our Chief Executive, Richard Angell on the significance of publication day and why those infected and affected by the Infected Blood Scandal must be compensated urgently. 

'Monday’s publication of the final Infected Blood Inquiry report is a seismic moment for those infected and affected by this scandal who have been vindicated but not yet compensated. For victims of the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS, who have been fighting for justice for almost five decades, the trauma never stops.

The Infected Blood Scandal should never have happened. It has had a devastating impact on the lives of thousands of people, tearing apart families across the UK. This cannot be allowed to happen again and a duty of candour for all public servants is essential in ensuring that it doesn’t. This would bound them to act in an open and transparent way to make sure justice is done in the wake of horrific tragedies such as this.

Well over 3,000 people have died as a result of contaminated blood products and are dying at a rate of one every four days. That means the 225 people with HIV from contaminated blood products who will be watching intently on Monday represent just one in five of those who were infected in the 1980s. It is too long to wait even another four days to do what is right. There should not be another person who dies without hearing the government’s response to this final report.

Compensation will never make up for the catastrophic damage done to the victims, but it will help those who have suffered to move forward with their lives. Only those infected or their widows have been given interim compensation, with many of those dying before they received it. A final compensation deal has not been agreed, let alone full recognition for over 40 years of injustice. For those who die between now and finally getting their compensation, everything must be done to ensure it isn’t the treasury who keeps that money. It should go to every living person affected who has fought tirelessly to be recognised despite the lies, deceit, obfuscation and cover up.

The victims have been repeatedly let down by the government's inaction. They need to go to sleep on Monday knowing that their trauma has been recognised and that this injustice will be compensated. That they can provide for those who they will one day leave behind.'