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Why work for us?


Whatever your background our door is open to you. Terrence Higgins Trust is made up of many talented and passionate individuals from all sections of the community.

We're striving to be an anti-racist, anti-sexist organisation that is committed to making equity, diversity and inclusion part of everything we do. We want our workforce to represent the diversity of our service users and stakeholders and we value direct or indirect lived experience of HIV and/or sexual and reproductive health.

At Terrence Higgins Trust we value people, their skills, their experience and the contribution they make. We want to make sure coming to work is a good experience for everyone who works with us.

Everybody at the charity has a role to play in making the organisation a great place to work. We're committed to nurturing a culture of mutual trust and respect.

Our values


How we deliver our work is vital to our success. In all our working we are:

Ambitious for change

We set ambitious targets, ranging from ending HIV transmissions by 2030 to changing social attitudes towards sexuality. Our organisational targets are made possible by ambitious staff and volunteers aiming high in their own areas of work.

Working together

We're most successful when we work together with each other and with our partners. We'll ensure that knowledge and expertise is shared more widely within Terrence Higgins Trust. We will continue to develop new and existing partnerships with the NHS, local authorities, voluntary organisations and community groups.

Drawing on diverse lived experience

Terrence Higgins Trust was founded by people directly impacted by HIV. We'll continue to draw strength and understanding from the lived experience of our people. We'll do more to learn from the experience of the full range of people we serve and employ, including women, people from racially and ethnically diverse communities, trans and non-binary people.

We believe the way in which we effectively work together will enable the charity to fulfil its mission.