Brighton and Hove
United Kingdom
We're able to offer support and advice over the phone or in person via appointment.
Our general phone number is 01273 764 200.
Our clinics
All our clinics are available via booked appointments or walk-in (subject to availability).
Call 01273 764 200 or book online to make an appointment. You can also email [email protected].
Learn more about our clinics and testing services.
HIV and STI testing clinic
Our main testing clinic is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm.
We test for the following sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV:
- chlamydia (results in two weeks)
- gonorrhoea (results in two weeks)
- syphilis (results in 20 minutes)
- HIV (results in 20 minutes)
We also offer advice and information about sexual health, including PrEP and PEP and how to access them locally.
We can only test people who are asymptomatic. Please contact SHAC if you have symptoms of a suspected STI.
If you're unable to attend the clinic in person, we offer free HIV self test kits to people within Brighton and Hove from groups most affected by HIV.
We normally charge £15 for the tests. Providing you live in the qualifying area, you won't be asked for payment at checkout.
If you aren't eligible for a test from this service, you can search for other free online HIV testing options.
PrEP2U clinic
Our PrEP2U clinic is for people not currently using PrEP who wish to discuss their HIV prevention needs with a clinician.
This clinic is open on Monday 2pm to 5pm and Thursday 3pm to 6.30pm.
It offers:
- HIV and STI screening
- PrEP
- Hepatisis B / HBV vaccination
Sexual health information and advice
We supply a range of sexual health information and advice, including:
- safer sex
- STIs
- PEP and PrEP
- sexuality
- chemsex
- drug and alcohol use
- hate crimes
- referrals to other support services.
We also supply free condoms and lube on a walk-in basis.
Face to Face
We offer a free, non-judgemental, and confidential service to help you start getting control over unwanted behaviours.
This programme is tailored to the client’s needs. Generally delivered between four to six sessions, but this can be flexible.
Through this programme you’ll have a safe space to explore any difficulties you might be having such as:
- chemsex
- drug and alcohol misuse
- safer sex
- sex work
- relationships.
We can help to identify triggers, initiate behaviour change and set goals.
Contact this programme by email at [email protected] or ring 07741 322 487. You can also access it via our main contact number: 01273 764 200.
Sex worker support
We offer a range of services tailored to anyone who is exchanging sex for money, gifts, accommodation or more. We provide:
- non-judgemental, attitude free, service
- free safer sex supplies
- information, advice and support
- dodgy punter alerts
- one to one, face to face, space to talk.
Contact the SWOP female sex worker outreach project on 07552 739 821.
Or contact PRO(TECT) male sex worker project on 07423 003 020 or email [email protected].
Both projects are trans and non-binary inclusive. Please contact whichever project you feel most comfortable with
Learn more about our position on sex work.
Support for people living with HIV
We offer a wide range of support services, including:
- counselling
- welfare rights and advice
- coping with diagnosis and telling people you're living with HIV
- accommodation issues
- signposting and referrals to specialist counselling and debt advice.
See our full range of support services for people living with HIV in Brighton and Hove.
Training support for professionals
We run regular training sessions for voluntary sector professionals and volunteers, health and social workers, and members of the public. These sessions cover the following:
- HIV awareness
- chemsex
Please contact us for more information. All training is free of charge.
Our Ship Street office has two steps at its main entrance and stairs between each floor.
We have a step-free and wheelchair-accessible entrance to our building, via our clinic space, which is located to the left of the building, through the green gates. There is signage pointing to the accessible door, which has a doorbell. Please ring the bell when you arrive. If possible, please let us know in advance if you intend to use this entrance so we can ensure staff are on hand to open the door for you. Our clinic, reception, ground floor meeting room and toilet are accessible this way.
If you have any access needs in general, please let know so we can make any adjustments where possible.
Further information
Direct contact numbers for our services:
Counselling: 07436 108 055
HIV support and advice: 07833 555 847
HIV welfare rights and benefits advice: 07380 651 386 (open Monday to Thursday, 10am to 5pm)
HIV and STI testing information and advice: 07741 322 487
Managerial and general service enquiries: 07826 867 250
Outreach and training: 07813 129 013
For general advice, contact THT Direct on 0808 802 1221 or [email protected]
If English is not your first language we can usually still offer you support via an interpretation service.
You can keep up to date with our local activities including outreach events and local campaigns by following us on social media.