
We want to hear more about people’s experiences of discrimination as a result of their HIV status, and need your help.

Tackling HIV discrimination


HIV treatment has advanced significantly over the past 40 years. People living with HIV and on effective treatment can have a normal life expectancy and can’t pass the virus on to anyone else.

However, despite this remarkable progress, negative attitudes and discrimination against people living with HIV persists.

Our survey is designed to get a snapshot of your experiences, to get a clearer picture of the areas of discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in the UK.

It explores experiences accessing health services, employment, and education. We’re also keen to find out more about your experiences seeking support and advice following experience of discrimination.

The findings will help to identify where issues of discriminatory policies or practices still exist, and help to shape our work aimed to tackle discrimination against people living with HIV.

Please help by taking part and answering our survey.