Scarlet, Florrie and canine companion Dusty with Marianne
From left: Scarlet, Florrie and Marianne with her canine companion Dusty

Our wonderful colleague Marianne Holt tells us why they took on the Hackney Half Marathon and decided to fundraise for Terrence Higgins Trust last month. 

"I have worked for Terrence Higgins Trust for three years and seen first hand the incredible work the charity does in HIV and sexual health – from fighting HIV discrimination and stigma to providing HIV and STI tests across the UK.

“This was my second time doing the Hackney Half to raise money for Terrence Higgins Trust. I did it with my partner Scarlet and football teammate Florrie to support the charity's life-changing work. I'm not a big runner, but I find signing up to a fundraising challenge with friends is a great way to motivate yourself. Having people to train with gave me accountability, as well as motivation to keep going on race day. This was very much needed because it was boiling hot on the day!

“We were proud to fundraise for Terrence Higgins Trust to support their work to end new cases of HIV by 2030 and tackle HIV stigma as a tribute to those whose shoulders we stand on. The charity was founded in 1982 after the death of Terry Higgins, one of the first to die of AIDS-related illnesses in the UK. His partner and friends founded the charity at a time when there wasn’t even a name for the virus he had, let alone a test or any treatment.

“Four decades later and charity's work is very different but still life-changing. Today they're working to end the HIV epidemic in the UK by 2030. This would have been unimaginable in the 1980s. Thanks to incredible progress around treatment, people living with HIV can live a long and healthy life. People on effective HIV treatment cannot pass it on.

“HIV has changed – but the stigma surrounding the virus hasn’t and that’s something Terrence Higgins Trust is determined to tackle. Any pound you fundraise will make a huge difference to the lives of people living with and affected by HIV in the UK. And knowing this will help you get across the finish line!"

A massive thank you to Marianne for sharing their story with us and raising awareness about the cause. We are so proud of you! 

If you’d like to take on a challenge event for Team Terry, sign up and lace up today. You can also email [email protected] for any questions.